Supervision & Team Consultations

Working in public mental health services has helped me develop an appreciation of both the challenges and benefits for people working in teams and organisations. This has contributed to my ability to provide clinical supervision and team consultation. 

I have provided clinical supervision for many years to people working in a variety of services, and in private practice. I mainly supervise psychologists but have provided supervision to counsellors and therapists from other disciplines who have wanted supervision in my areas of expertise.  

I frequently help teams improve their functioning and their effectiveness in working with complex clinical and organisational challenges.


I have a background in adult learning through the Student Learning Centre and the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Auckland. This involved teaching university students how to study, both in group settings and individual sessions. I also facilitated the development of peer run study support groups. Since moving into the field of psychology and mental health in 1996, I have provided lectures and trainings in the many areas, to both large and small groups, and to students and clinicians of many disciplines. Some recent trainings have included:

  • Working with people with Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
  • Incorporating sexual orientation issues within clinical practice